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Beanbag Love

I read. I write. I talk about reading and writing. That is when I'm not driving kids somewhere or teaching them. Married, educated, domesticated. I really enjoy the friends I've met through a variety of different message boards and venues regarding reading and authors. I try to take a positive view when I write reviews but sometimes I can't. Those times are few and far between, but they do exist. I'm mostly an old softy, though. I think so anyway.

Currently reading

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Susanna Clarke
A Mackenzie Family Christmas: The Perfect Gift -  Jennifer Ashley This was a great Christmas gift. Just what I needed! I enjoyed the vignette approach with Beth and Ian as the through line. I loved revisiting the characters and seeing new ones. I love the chaos of this brood and their eccentric servants. And their dogs, too, of course.

It's a novella but it's 48,000 words so it's really just short of a full novel. I was disappointed in Hart and Eleanor's story, but now I can't wait for the next book to come out. The excerpt was a sublimely evil tease.

It's cheap, it's a Christmas story and it's part of a great historical romance series. Recommended for those who have read the prior books. :)